Here are the shorter bits and pieces I have floating around. Longer ones will be posted in a different post, and for The Denny's Court, almost everything will go into its own post except for one little drabble here.
Title: Zydrate Anatomy Author: achika_chan Pairing: Spoony/Linkara Rating: Pg-13 Summary: Lieutenant Spoony and his band of merry men are faced with the death of a patron of the shady Lotus Eaters night club.
Title: Home for Christmas Author: achika_chanPairing: Past Insano/Spoonette. Spoony/Linkara, mentioned Oan/Insano and 80s Chick/Harvey
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Title: High School Reunion Author: achika_chan Pairings: Insano/Spoonette, 80s Chick/80s Dan Rating: PG Summary: Insano goes to a bar one night and meets a familiar face. Internal Affairs-verse
Title: Known Associates Author: achika_chan Pairing: Spoony/Linkara Rating: PG-13 Summary: Lieutenant Spoony meets some interesting people in the course of his job.
Title: California Call Author: achika_chan Pairing: Insano/Spoonette Rating: PG Summary: Internal Affairs-verse - Insano and Sol get a scheduled phonecall that brings up some memories.